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Death and Dying Honors Seminar Experience

During the fall of my sophomore year (Fall 2023), I took an honors seminar called Death and Dying. When I selected this class I was unsure of what to expect, but something about this topic intrigued me. I am so glad I took this class, as it is now my favorite class I've taken at UC. The content was unique, applicable, and presented in a fascinating way.

Death and Dying was a class unlike any other I have taken. Our professor covered an interesting yet sensitive subject with grace and a positive energy. I was unsure what to expect when beginning this class; all I knew was that I would undoubtedly encounter death as a nurse and it could be beneficial to learn about this topic. This class turned out to be my favorite I’ve taken at UC, and I learned so much.


This seminar covered informative topics like the biology of death and the death industry, subjective subjects like grief and near-death experiences, as well as controversial topics like physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. The biggest piece of knowledge I gained in this class is that it’s crucial to discuss and plan for death before it happens. While it may be a sensitive and uncomfortable subject, there are few things worse than losing a loved one and not knowing what they wished after death.


I also enjoyed the format of this class, between student presentations, diverse guest speakers, and experiential learning opportunities I was never bored in this class. One of my favorite activities was a cemetery walk that each student performed independently outside of class. Although some find cemeteries unpleasant, as a lover of history I’ve always found them peaceful and fascinating. Spring Grove cemetery and arboretum in Cincinnati (pictured above) was a beautiful place brimming with untold stories, and I enjoyed exploring the grounds and tombstones.


This Death and Dying seminar taught me about more than just death, we also discussed the meaning of life and purpose behind existence. Above all, this class taught me to view death as a beautiful part of life instead of something to fear.


Linked below is a presentation I created along with a fellow student about grief and mourning. We discussed the psychology around grief and explored a study about mental health and mourning within the healthcare field during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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