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Freshman Year in Review



My freshman year of college was full of surprises, challenges, and lots of fun. The experiences I’ve encountered this year have reshaped my passions and values. In high school, I dedicated a little time to a lot of things and had myself spread very thin. Coming to college I knew I wanted to pick three or four activities that I really care about and invest a lot of effort and time into just a few things instead of what I did in high school.

Becoming a Yoga Instructor

This year I accomplished one of my long-term goals of becoming a yoga instructor. I love group fitness, and this year I earned my Group Fitness Instructor Certification, allowing me to teach yoga at UC’s Campus Recreation Center (CRC) during the spring semester. It took much courage for me to apply to the CRC’s Group Fitness Instructor training program during the fall semester; I knew they were only accepting 12 candidates out of likely hundreds, but it was too perfect of an opportunity to pass. I was delighted when I was selected for the program, it was a dream come true. Throughout the fall semester and winter break I attended training sessions, performed an audition, and dedicated hours of studying to pass my certification exam all of which led me to be hired as an instructor at the CRC. All of the time was worth it, and I spent the spring semester teaching three yoga classes a week to up to 50 participants at a time. This experience has been unique and I am so proud of my accomplishment. As I continue to teach at the CRC I hope to become a more confident instructor and build long-term relationships with my participants.


Volunteering with
Habitat for Humanity

Volunteering at Habitat for Humanity is another impactful experience from this year. The first time I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity in January was an incredible experience and I knew that Habitat for Humanity would become a big part of my college experience. Throughout the spring semester, I dedicated almost 25 hours to this organization, volunteering on five different occasions at three different locations in Lower Price Hill. Lower Price Hill is a low-income neighborhood in downtown Cincinnati, and Habitat for Humanity has committed to restoring nine houses for nine new homeowners in the next five years. From painting doors and installing insulation to learning about the struggles of single motherhood from the future homeowners, Habitat for Humanity has taught me so much. My goal for my sophomore year is to dedicate over 40 hours to Habitat for Humanity and volunteer at a location outside of Lower Price Hill to broaden my horizons within this organization.

Becoming an Ambassador for the College of Nursing


The final experience I wish to speak about from this year is becoming an ambassador for the College of Nursing (CoN). I have always been an outgoing person and I knew I wanted one of my extracurriculars to be with the CoN. When I saw an application for ambassadors I applied almost immediately with a cautiously optimistic approach since the application process is very competitive. When I learned that I had been chosen as an ambassador I was thrilled. Between answering questions during panels and making prospective students feel more comfortable at UC, being an ambassador is a perfect fit for my skill set. This role is one I will fill during my sophomore year, so my experience as an ambassador has not begun yet. I look forward to the things I will learn and the impact I will make in this role.


Final Thoughts

My freshman year was a year for trying new things and discovering passions. The roles and experiences I’ve gained as a new instructor, committed volunteer, and enthusiastic ambassador are just beginning. I can’t wait to see where they take me!

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