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This Year

My sophomore year of college was a year of stepping out of my comfort zone. It was also a year full of amazing experiences and unique opportunities. I was able to travel twice with UC organizations and continue to expand on my passions and interests.


I decided to highlight 3 of the fun experiences I had, but on top of these I continued to teach yoga three times a week at the Campus Recreation Center (CRC), contribute over 80 hours to Habitat for Humanity, volunteer as a student ambassador for the college of nursing, and maintain a 4.0 GPA.

Habitat for Humanity Trip to Bloomington, IN

The first trip I was able to go on was with Habitat for Humanity. I have been volunteering with this organization since the beginning of my freshman year (as mentioned in my freshman year in review), but this year I decided to take my service with them a step further and go on a Winter Break service trip to Bloomington, Indiana. We were were there for a week, completing four eight-hour work days, and we had so much fun! Between painting walls and trim, building sheds, hammering beams in the basement, and using power tools, I learned so many useful skills and was able to have fun while doing good for others. We were also able to explore Bloomington and overall have a blast. I'm excited to continue working with Habitat for Humanity, especially since I was elected secretary of the organization!

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Fitness Expo Trip to ECU in Greenville, NC

The next trip I went on was with UC's Campus Recreation Center (aka my second home). In February UC funded a trip for myself and 15 others to North Carolina to attend the Southeast Fitness Expo, which is a huge fitness conference comprised of students from schools all across the eastern part of the US. I attended fitness classes and educational sessions over a weekend and had a blast. The progaming is entirely student-run, and there were a ton of sessions to choose from. I did 9 sessions in total, and from Taylor Swift Cycling and Rave Yoga to rock climbing and cardio dancing, I learned so much and had the absolute best time. I was also able to support two friends who gave presentations. We were able to have fun in North Carolina and bond on the 10-hour drive. I will definitely be going again next year!

Teaching Sunset Yoga at Nippert

Remember how I said the Campus Recreation Center feels like my second home? Well, traveling to North Carolina was only one of the fun things I did through the CRC. The second unique experience I was privileged to have is teaching Sunset Yoga at Nippert to over 100 UC students in April. I was honored when our fitness coordinator asked me to teach this fun tradition, and it was such a great experience. I led a 45-minute flow yoga class for my friends, family, and strangers alike on a beautiful Wednesday night, and even though we may have had a few weather scares and technical difficulties, I wouldn't change anything about it!

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To wrap it all up...

My sophomore year was one I will never forget. But what made it truly incredible wasn't just the fully funded trips and unique opportunities like Sunset Yoga. What made it amazing was all the little things. This was the year that I had my first apartment and learned to cook and grocery shop for myself. I also picked up new hobbies like reading consistently, embroidering, rock climbing,  and playing intramural wallyball. I continued to prioritize my health and academics while growing my amazing friendships and trying new things. Life at UC never fails to surprise and amaze me, and I'm so excited for what my junior year will bring!

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